Box Elder Beetles (Maple Bugs)

box elder beetles (maple bugs) - On Guard Pest Control

An all too common menace!

In the picturesque landscape of Medicine Hat and Southern Alberta, homeowners often find themselves facing an all too common pest problem – the maple bug, also known as the box elder beetle. On Guard Pest Control, is well-acquainted with the issues these seemingly harmless insects can cause and is dedicated to providing effective solutions to keep your home and property free from these unwanted guests.

Box elder beetles are a seasonal nuisance that tend to swarm homes and gardens during the warmer months. While they do not bite or transmit diseases, their sheer numbers can create an unpleasant and unsightly situation for homeowners, as they congregate on exterior walls, windows, and doors.

On Guard Pest Control is committed to addressing this issue head-on, offering customized pest control strategies designed to tackle the unique challenges posed by maple bugs in Southern Alberta.

By choosing On Guard Pest Control for your box elder beetle problem, you not only receive professional and effective pest control services but also benefit from their friendly, knowledgeable staff who are always ready to address your concerns and offer expert advice.

Don't let an invasion of box elder beetles (maple bugs) take over your Southern Alberta home. Trust On Guard Pest Control to protect your property and ensure a comfortable, pest-free environment. To schedule an inspection or to learn more about their services, visit their website or give them a call. Let On Guard Pest Control be your first line of defense against maple bugs and other unwelcome pests.

box elder beetles (maple bugs) - On Guard Pest Control

Inspection & Identification:

The first step in addressing a maple bug infestation is a thorough inspection of your property to identify the extent of the problem and locate possible breeding grounds. On Guard Pest Control's experienced technicians will assess your home's exterior, paying close attention to cracks, crevices, and potential entry points.

Treatment & Removal:

Once the infestation has been assessed, On Guard Pest Control will devise a targeted treatment plan using eco-friendly and effective methods to remove the maple bugs from your property. This may include the application of insecticides, removal of their preferred host trees, or sealing entry points to prevent future infestations.

Prevention & Maintenance:

To ensure long-term success in keeping maple bugs at bay, On Guard Pest Control provides clients with valuable advice and guidance on maintaining a pest-free property. This may involve trimming trees and vegetation around the house, repairing damaged screens and sealing gaps around windows and doors, and adopting regular maintenance practices to deter these pests from returning.

Enjoy your summer months.

Don't let maple bugs take over your Southern Alberta home. Trust On Guard Pest Control to protect your property and ensure a comfortable, pest-free environment. To schedule an inspection or to learn more about their services, visit their website or give them a call. Let On Guard Pest Control be your first line of defense against maple bugs and other unwelcome pests.

box elder beetles (maple bugs) - On Guard Pest Control